Puncture Vine
Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris)
puncture vine
Puncture vine early growth

This is a summer annual that impacts mostly the High Plains states. In 2008 it rated high in both Colorado and Kansas sunflower fields. It is sometimes called 'goat head'. It is spread by seeds only. The seeds can remain viable for a long time.
puncture vine
Puncture vine

Control Strategies

1. Fall burn down prior to final seed formation

2. Beyond¹ provides good to excellent control when treated at the two leaf stage or earlier

3. Trifluralin provides poor to good control

4. Between row cultivation or hooded sprayer herbicide application
Links of Interest
(1) Beyond herbicide is specific to CLEARFIELD® hybrids only. Clearfield hybrids have been developed with a resistant gene to Beyond herbicide. Applying Beyond herbicide on non-Clearfield hybrids will result in extensive damage.

Glyphosate and Aim are labeled for between row hooded sprayer applications.
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