Combine Adjustment Indicators
When it comes to harvesting, the goal is simple: Get a completely threshed head onto the straw walker in one piece. This is done by keeping cylinder speed slow, concave spacing wide, and harvesting at a reasonable speed when seed moisture is in the low teens.

If you encounter problems, the table below may provide insight into how to rectify the situation.

Combine Adjustment Indicators

Excessive tailings Air flow too low, overthreshing at cylinder/rotor, or chaffer openings too narrow
Trash in hopper bin Overthreshing, cylinder/rotor speed too high, concave too tight, fan too low, or sieve too wide
Broken or crushed heads High cylinder/rotor speeds or narrow concave spacing
Crushed seed with hull intact Concave spacing too tight
Dehulled or broken seeds High cylinder/rotor speeds or excessive returns
Unthreshed heads on the ground Poor gathering at the header
Seed is being thrown out the back Speed/air flow; slow down the machine and air flow rate
Source: Randy Taylor, Kansas State University extension ag engineer 
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