Performance Research
NuSun® Frying Stability
by Edward C. Campbell, Jennifer A. Gerdes, Thomas R. Tiffany, Archer Daniels Midland, Proceedings of the 21st, 22nd and 23rd Sunflower Research Workshop, January 1999, 2000, 2001

Abstract: Over the course of this three-year study, NuSun® has been compared against all major frying oils. NuSun® lasted as long as the other oils in the frying process, showed superior taste and exhibited less color development and product darkening.

Additional Documents
NuSun Frying Stability (1999) file size: 311 kb

NuSun Frying Stability (2000)  file size: 168 kb

NuSun Frying Stability (2001) file size: 25 kb

NuSun® Quality and Industrial Frying Application
by David Chang, Procter and Gamble, Proceedings of the 23rd Sunflower Research Workshop, January 2001, p. 24

Abstract: Fatty aid composition has an impact on frying stability and shelf life of finished products. Low levels of polar compounds are considered beneficial. NuSun®, a sunflower oil with a mid-range oleic acid content, is a choice for industrial frying application.

Additional Documents
NuSun Quality and Industrial Frying Application file size: 7 kb

Frying Quality & Stability of Mid-Oleic Sun Oil
by K. Warner, et al. Food Quality and Safety Research, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Peoria, IL

Abstract: NuSun™, a sunflower oil modified to contain 65% oleic acid was evaluated for frying performance and stability. Flavor characteristics of tortilla chips prepared in the commercially processed oil were evaluated by trained analytical sensory panelists. In comparison to tortilla chips prepared in sunflower oil, the samples fried in mid-oleic sunflower oil had significantly greater flavor stability after accelerated aging at 4 days, 60 degrees Celsius. The degree of difference in stability between the chips from the two oil types increased with increasing hours of frying. These results corresponded to the differences in total polar compound levels between the oils. Sunflower oil had significantly higher polar compound percent than did the mid-oleic sunflower oil. Sunflower oil had the highest intensities of off-odors including acrid and burnt in room odor tests because of its higher polyunsaturated fatty acid content.

To view Kathleen Warner's research paper click here.
Commercial Frying with NuSun® Oil
by Dr. Edward Perkins, University of IL, presented July 14, 1999 NuSun Committee Meeting, National Sunflower Association Summer Seminar, Detroit Lakes MN

Abstract: A study comparing NuSun® to partially hydrogenated soybean oil was carried out at one of the University of Illinois resident halls with a large student clientele. This work was not published due to the ill health and subsequent death of noted oil chemist and professor, Dr. Ed Perkins, of the University of Illinois. The summary data is in the PDF below.

In the test, the dining hall had two 100 pound fryers that were utilized for 19 hours daily. The fryers were used for all types of fried foods typical for a university setting in the late 1990s. NuSun® was used in one of the fryers while the traditional creamy hydrogenated soybean oil normally used in the residence hall was used in the other 100 pound fryer. The purpose of the study was to determine if the NuSun® would be able to withstand the rigors of such commercial frying. Perkins reported publicly that residence hall kitchen workers did not notice any differences in performance between the two fryers. Nor did their laboratory analysis. Oils in the fryers were changed at the usual schedule. There was no noticeable difference in color of the fried food and students did not report a difference in taste.

Perkins summarized that NuSun® can easily be substituted for partially hydrogenated soybean oil in commercial/institutional kitchens. The benefit, of course, is that NuSun® contains no trans fats. Because of the healthier nutritional profile of NuSun® Perkins concluded that, "It can easily be said that NuSun® is a superior frying oil."

Additional Documents
NuSun Frying Test (1997) file size: 3431 kb

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