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Sunflower Briefs

Saturday, February 1, 2025
filed under: Sunflower Briefs

USDA Updates 2024 Sunflower Numbers
        Last season’s U.S. sunflower production totaled 1.15 billion lbs, down 49% from 2023, USDA reported in January.  The average yield of 1,670 lbs/ac was down by 117 pounds from 2023. Planted area, at 720,800 acres, was 45% below the previous year, area harvested likewise decreased 46% from 2023 to 686,100 acres.
        North Dakota, the leading sunflower-producing state during 2024, produced 519 million pounds, a decrease of 54% from 2023.  Compared with 2023, planted area in North Dakota decreased 47% and yield decreased by 246 pounds to 1,752 lbs/ac.  Meanwhile, production in South Dakota declined 43% from 2023 to 466 million pounds.  Planted acreage in South Dakota, at 279,000 acres, was down 44%  from 2023, while the state’s average sunflower yield increased 36 pounds from 2023 to 1,746 lbs/ac.
        Overall U.S. production of oil-type sunflower varieties, at 947 million pounds, dropped 52% from 2023.  Harvested acres were down 49%, while and the average oil-type yield decreased by 85 pounds to 1,664 lbs/ac.
        Production of nonoil sunflower varieties was estimated at 199 million pounds in 2024, a decrease of 33% from 2023.  Area harvested, at 116,900 acres, was down 17% from 2023. while the average yield decreased by 391 pounds.
Canadian Production Down 45% from 2023
        According to Statistics Canada data, 2024 Canadian sunflower seed production is estimated at 50,680 metric tons (MT), which is down 45% from 2023.  Canadian farmers produced 92,468 MT of sunflower seed in 2023.  The 2024 production level is well below the previous three-year average of 83,800 MT.  The majority of Canada’s sunflower crop is grown in Manitoba, with production also in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
NSA Hosts Annual Research Forum in Fargo
        Forum attendeesAbout 100 growers, industry representatives and researchers gathered for the National Sunflower Association’s annual Sunflower Research Forum on January 8 and 9 in Fargo, N.D.  Attendees heard research presentations onweed control, insects, disease and new varieties of sunflower.  Presentations are being posted on the NSA website. 
Nominations Invited for NSA Gold Award
        Each year, the National Sunflower Association presents its Gold Award to an individual who has contributed extraordinarily to the overall sunflower industry, either through his or her occupation or through the National Sunflower Association.  This award is considered to be the highest award that the NSA presents to individuals. The award has been given since 1989.
        Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 NSA Gold Award.  Visit for the eligibility and criteria requirements.  Nominations must be received by February 7.  The NSA Board of Directors will review all submitted applications and choose a recipient.  The Gold Award will be presented during this year’s NSA Summer Seminar in late June in Bismarck, N.D.
NSA Summer Seminar Set for June 24-26
        The 2025 National Sunflower Association Summer Seminar is scheduled for June 24-26 in Bismarck, N.D.  The popular annual event will be headquartered at the Radisson Inn Bismarck.  Watch for more details from the NSA as well as in upcoming issues of The Sunflower.  The 2025 NSA Summer Seminar will be the 41st such event in the association’s history.  As usual, it will feature a variety of special speakers and social events, with the traditional golf tourney on the final day.
Keep Monitoring Binned Seeds
        Growers with some of last year’s sunflower crop stored in bins are reminded to keep an eye on the seeds’ moisture level.  The maximum recommended moisture content for stored sunflower is 9.5% through the winter months and 8% if the storage period is longer than about six months.  It’s also important to check the sunflower weekly and make sure you check the sunflower, not the bin.  But remember, filled bins can be dangerous, so take extra precautions.
        For more sunflower storage tips visit .
Story Suggestions Welcomed
        With another production season now on the horizon, the National Sunflower Association staff looks toward the newest publishing season of The Sunflower magazine.  The Sunflower has been an industry fixture since 1975.
        “Our goal with the magazine is to provide news and articles of real interest and use to our readership — which consists mainly of sunflower producers around the U.S. and Canada,” says John Sandbakken, NSA executive director and magazine editor.   “Our ongoing objective is to provide timely, useful information, and we always welcome readers’ suggestions for potential topics or persons to interview for articles.” 
          Story suggestions can be submitted to
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