Resources Made Available by the Sunflower Pathology Working Group file size: 2063 kb Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Charlie Block, ISU, Seed Science Ctr.; Tom Gulya, USDA ARS ret./NDSU, Santa Rosa, CA; Febina Mathew, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; SueThompson, Malcolm Riley, U of Southern Queensland, Doonan
Evaluation of Fungicides for Sunflower Rust Management file size: 1551 kb Zachary Ittel, Gabriel Dusek, Bryan Hansen, Jessica Scherer, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; Brent Hulke, USDA-ARS, Sunflower Improvement Research Unit, Fargo, ND; Sam Markell, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND
Sunflower Seedling Salinity Tolerance Assay file size: 684 kb Joseph Barham, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Fargo, ND; Brent Hulke, USDA-ARS, Sunflower Improvement Research Unit, Fargo, ND; Qi Zhang, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Sciences, Fargo , ND; Thomas DeSutter, NDSU, Soil Science Dept., Fargo, ND
Exploring the Genetic Basis of Sclerotinia Basal Stalk Rot Resistance and Oxalic Acid Tolerance in Sunflower file size: 727 kb Israt Ansari Zaman, Srushtideep Angidi, Luis Del Rio Mendoza, Julie Pasche, NDSU, Dept. of Plant Pathology, Fargo, ND; William Underwood, USDA-ARS, Sunflower Improvement Research Unit, Fargo, ND
Blackbird Damage to Sunflower: The Relationship to Producer Damage Estimates and Economic Opportunity Lost When Removing Sunflower from Rotation file size: 1688 kb Morgan Donaldson, Jessica Duttenhefner, Mallory White, NDSU, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Fargo, ND; Page Klug, USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Fargo, ND
Frightening Blackbirds Foraging in Sunflower: Testing Natural and Artificial Sounds Broadcast from a Drone file size: 1595 kb Koby Pearson-Bortle, Jessica Duttenhefner, NDSU, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Fargo, ND; Page Klug, USDA-APHIS-WS NWRC, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Fargo, ND