Monitor for Phomopsis Stem Canker
With the sporadic rains, it is important to scout for Phomopsis stem canker and other sunflower diseases. For Phomopsis stem canker, a light to dark colored lesion develops on the stem, and a possible discoloration on the sunflower head. Mathew’s lab at North Dakota State University is needing sunflower plant samples that are suspected of Phomopsis stem canker. For information on how to send samples, please contact Febina Mathew ( The address to send samples (only diseased stem and/or head rot) is Febina Mathew, NDSU Plant Pathology Dept., 1402 Albrecht Blvd., 306 Walster Hall, Fargo, ND 58102. For more on Phomopsis stem canker visit: or Diseases (