Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Sep 12 2022
Crop Progress - Monday, September 12, 2022
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Petals Dry 78 59 89 84
Bracts Yellow 50 31 62 59
Mature 20 8 21 19
Harvested NA 56 59 52
Crop Conditions - Monday, September 12, 2022
State Timeframe Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota This week 1 4 35 56 4
  Last week 1 4 34 56 5
Minnesota This week 0 0 18 76 6
  Last week 0 0 19 73 8
Colorado This week 6 7 58 25 4
  Last week 8 10 48 31 3
Grower Report
Cooperstown, North Dakota grower Scott Tranby says his sunflowers look really good. His sunflowers have dropped most of their petals and he plans to desiccate sometime this month. This year he sprayed for red seed weevil and rust. Approximately 10 days ago they received about a ½” of rain, but lately it has been dry and humid. Weather permitting, he hopes to be harvesting by the middle of October.
Research grant applications being accepted
Research is an important part of the NSA’s mission. Each year, the NSA provides grants to public researchers to stimulate new or additional work that may result in lower production costs, increased quality, and higher yields. Pre-proposals for projects to be considered for funding in 2023 are now being accepted. Visit 2023 NSA Research Priorities ( to read more and to submit pre-proposals. Grant applications are due by October 4, 2022.
Last week, USDA announced that the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will review and potentially update 2022 acreage estimates based on Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Risk Management Agency (RMA) data and consider making adjustments in the September WASDE and Crop Production reports. This is not normally standard practice for NASS which usually waits until the FSA and RMA have finalized their data and issues revisions in the October WASDE and Crop Production reports. If USDA does in fact make adjustments this week it will set the market tone in the near term. The weather forecast for the next two weeks is predicting above normal temperatures in the sunflower growing region, which bodes well for crop dry down. Most likely harvest will not start in earnest until early October. Getting the crop harvested several weeks early can result in lower drying costs, plus reduces late season crop and blackbird damage. Harvest continues to move along in Texas and is ahead of the five-year average. In the coming weeks, several USDA reports will give producers and industry a better picture of sunflower fundamentals heading into the 2022/23 marketing year. On September 30, USDA will report old crop sunflower stocks and on October 12 USDA will give its first estimate of 2022 US harvested sunflower acres and production. These reports along with actual harvest reports will set the tone for new crop sunflower price direction in the near term.
Consider cattail control
Now is a good time to remove blackbird roosting locations, such as cattails. Cattails serve as blackbird habitat, so it is in the sunflower producer’s best interest to get rid of as much as possible. The USDA can help with blackbird control. Visit: NORTH DAKOTA ( for a map with phone numbers for USDA Wildlife Services personnel that can help North and South Dakota producers who have blackbird problems. They will respond to you during the damage season by providing loaner cannons and pyrotechnics. These offices will provide further assistance in an attempt to break up large roosts. Using a combination of cattail management, cannons, harassment, desiccants, and repellants can be even more effective when used together. For more information on blackbird control, visit Blackbirds (
Reduce the risk of combine fires
Sunflower is an oil-based crop, and fine fibers from sunflower seeds pose a constant fire hazard. To help reduce the risk this harvest season, be sure to keep a clean work area when harvesting sunflower. Blow the combine and grain dryer setup with an air hose daily. Also, try nighttime harvesting, when humidity levels are higher and keep a small pressure sprayer filled with water on hand in the combine. For more tips, visit Combine Fire Responses (
Upcoming Events
January 11-12, 2023 - NSA Research Forum; Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND
June 27-29, 2023 - NSA Summer Seminar; Spearfish, SD
Markets at a Glance
Weekly Prices Recorded on Monday, September 12, 2022 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2023 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 55.80 68.96 71.92 +2.96 66.49
West Fargo, ND NuSun 31.25 25.80 26.45 +.65 23.50
West Fargo, ND High Oleic 31.40 27.05 27.45 +.40 26.00
Enderlin, ND NuSun 31.50 26.20 26.20 NC 25.75
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 31.50 27.20 27.20 NC 26.75
Lamar, CO High Oleic 29.25 28.25 27.75 -.50 NQ
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Monday, September 12, 2022
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. locations)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 75.80 72.90 76.34 +3.44
Cotton Oil (pbsy) 95.80 114.90 118.34 +3.44
Corn Oil 88.00 131.00 131.00 NC

Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. All prices are subject to change. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
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