Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: May 09 2022
2022 Curtis Stern Memorial Scholarship winner announced
Karthika Mohan
Karthika Mohan

Karthika Mohan is a PhD (Plant Science) student at South Dakota State University working under the guidance of Dr. Febina Mathew. During her undergraduate studies and masters program in agriculture she developed a deep interest in the field of plant pathology. She is pursuing her doctoral studies with an emphasis in sunflower pathology. Her research focus is on Phomopsis Stem Canker, which is one of the most important diseases affecting sunflower production in the United States and worldwide.
NDOC Appoints Representative
The ND Oilseed Council (NDOC) appointed Matt Swenson of Walcott (Richland County) to fulfill the remaining term for the Sunflower District III position on the NDOC board. District III includes the counties of LaMoure, Dickey, Ransom, Sargent and Richland. Swenson will also serve on the National Sunflower Association board of directors. Matt and his wife Stacy farm west of Walcott. They plant a variety of crops including sunflowers, corn, soybeans, and barley. They also run 130 head of cow-calf pairs and a feedlot with a capacity of 1,000 head. Matt received a bachelor's degree from NDSU in Agricultural Economics. As an NSA board member, Matt is involved in providing direction and setting policies for numerous NSA programs in market development, promotion, and research.
The conflict in Ukraine pushed sunflower prices to all-time record highs this spring. Previous market highs of $38.80 for old crop and $30.50 for new crop were surpassed in late April at the crush plants. The rally has continued setting fresh highs each week as the lack of global sunflower seed availability and strong oil demand have encouraged crushers to pay more for the available crop. Sunflower oil exporters are reportedly fielding unprecedented call volumes from new customers seeking to replace Black Sea sunflower oil. The high prices have encouraged farmers to sell off most remaining seed stocks in the past few months. For 2022/23, global sunflower seed production is going to be a moving target depending on what actually gets planted in Ukraine this year. The war in Ukraine has left much uncertainty of what seed availability will be like this year and potentially in 2023 as well. Ukraine is one of the major producers and exporters of sunflower oil accounting for 50 percent of global sunflower oil trade. The events in Ukraine escalated an already tight vegetable oil market. Global vegetable oil prices skyrocketed in the past few months to record levels. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia bears watching as it has significantly increased the uncertainty of the agricultural supply and demand conditions in the region and globally. With lower than anticipated acres, diversifying market risk with some sunflower acres would be a good option in 2022.
Hybrid seed still plentiful
With the dramatic surge in new crop NuSun and high oleic sunflower prices, the NSA office has received calls from growers looking for hybrid planting seed for this growing season. Drought conditions are prevalent in much of the main growing region. Many growers are looking to spread out market risk with some drought tolerant sunflower acres in their acreage mix this year. Crush plants continue to offer attractive cash and Act of God contracts for 2021 production. Seed supplies are still plentiful and there is still time to place an order to put in some acres this growing season. Hybrid seed suppliers can be found using this link: Buyers and Sellers (
Register Now for 2022 NSA Summer Seminar
Registration is now open for our 2022 NSA Summer Seminar, scheduled for June 28-30, 2022. This year’s Summer Seminar will be held in Grand Forks, North Dakota. You can register on our website – go to You’ll find our tentative schedule too, as well as hotel information and more. Pre-registration will begin at $325 and golf at $115, so register early for the best price. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Canad Inns. To make your reservation, call 701-772-8404. The NSA Group Code is 16445. The group rate is $91 per night plus taxes. The block of rooms will expire on May 27, 2022. The program is being finalized and more information will be coming soon. Contact Tina Mittelsteadt at with questions.
Upcoming Events
June 28-30, 2022 - NSA Summer Seminar; Grand Forks, ND
Markets at a Glance
Weekly Prices Recorded on Monday, May 9, 2022 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2022 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 66.10 82.70 87.18 +4.48 72.66
West Fargo, ND NuSun 27.25 39.50 40.00 +.50 33.20
West Fargo, ND High Oleic 27.75 40.00 40.50 +.50 34.20
Enderlin, ND NuSun 27.05 39.50 39.50 NC 33.10
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 27.55 40.00 40.00 NC 34.10
Lamar, CO High Oleic 27.10 38.70 38.70 NC 33.40
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Monday, May 9, 2022
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. location)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 94.10 94.20 99.90 +5.70
Cotton Oil (pbsy) 101.10 117.70 123.40 +5.70
Corn Oil 83.00 152.00 161.00 +9.00

Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. All prices are subject to change. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
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