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Post Date:
May 02 2022
Canada sunflower acres projected to increase
According to Statistics Canada data, Canadian farmers intend to plant 112,100 acres of sunflowers this spring, which would be up 10 per cent from 2021. Area seeded is anticipated to be higher than 2021 due to profitable sunflower prices versus other crops. The majority of Canada’s sunflower crop is grown in Manitoba.
N Calculator available for North Dakota producers
With fertilizer prices at the highest levels in the past seven years and producers looking to control costs, check out the North Dakota Nitrogen Calculator for sunflower. You can find the calculator at
. The calculator uses new nitrogen recommendations, which were updated for the first time since the 1970s. There are also new recommendations for phosphorus (P) for sunflower in the northern Great Plains. The new N and P recommendations are based on general productivity history and not a yield prediction model. N and P recommendations are based on both documented yield responses to each and economic analysis. The calculator does not immediately support sunflower prices above 30 cents per pound or N prices greater than $1/lb N. However, if you divide each value (sunflower price AND N cost) by 2, and insert these values into the calculator, the proper N recommendation will result. The NDSU Fertilizing Sunflower Circular SF713 with the new recommendations can be found online at
Reminder about stored seed
Producers who have stored seed are reminded to keep a close eye on seed moisture. It is a good idea to have bins probed and tested regularly to protect your investment.
Sunflower prices continue to surge as the battle for 2022 acres continues. Last week at the North Dakota crush plants, old crop added $1.25-$1.30 hitting $40.00 topping the all-time record high of $38.80 set back in 2011. New crop prices increased 10 cents and are trading at $33.10-$34.20 cash with AOG at $32.40-$33.70. During the month of April, sunflower prices were unchanged or set new market highs each week. Since April 1, old crop prices have added $1.50-$2.00. New crop values increased as well adding 75 cents to $1.15. In the High Plains, old crop increased 70 cents with new crop adding 50 cents during April. Something else to consider when looking at new crop prices are the oil premiums that crush plants pay on sunflower. Sunflower is the only oilseed that pays premiums for oil content above 40%. Considering oil premiums that are offered at the crush plants on oil content above 40% at a rate of 2% price premium for each 1% of oil above 40%; this pushes a contract with 45% oil content gross return 10% higher per cwt. The AOG $32.40 contract increases to $35.65, and the cash $34.20 contract moves up to $37.60. New crop prices are at record highs. Late season planted crops like sunflower can perform well and markets will reward that production this year. There is still time to adjust your plans to take advantage of the market opportunities that sunflowers can offer.
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