Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Mar 20 2023
NSA Board Members Go to Washington, DC
NSA board members in front of nation's Capitol
From left to right: Lance Hourigan (Lemmon, SD), Clark Coleman (Bismarck, ND), Tom Dowdle (Kennedy, MN), Tom Kirkmeyer (Brighton, CO) Cameron Peirce (Hutchinson, KS

Several members of the National Sunflower Association’s board of directors recently visited Washington, DC. Members made visits to members of Congress from Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, North and South Dakota about the upcoming Farm Bill and Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations. In addition, the group met with officials from the USDA APHIS/Wildlife Services to discuss blackbird depredation concerns and USDA Agricultural Research Service regarding research needs.
BeSure! This Growing Season
Planters will be rolling soon, and the growing season will be upon us! This year, BeSure! is back with its fifth annual national campaign to promote best management practices. Agriculture stakeholders appreciate how neonicotinoid seed treatments, foliar sprays, soil drenches and granules increase yields and boost revenues, but they are also committed to protecting bees and other wildlife. This spring, growers and applicators can follow a few simple guidelines to BeSure! they’re using pesticides safely. To learn more visit:
Nearby prices were mixed at down 50 to up 10 cents this week. New crop NuSun and high oleic prices were down 10 to 30 cents. A deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukrainian grain was renewed on Saturday for at least 60 days - half the intended period - after Russia warned any further extension beyond mid-May would depend on the removal of some Western sanctions. The U.N. and Ukraine wanted to extend the Black Sea Grains Initiative for 120 days. The shorter extension period increases logistical risks for international grain vessels. The added shipping costs and freight insurance could further strangle global supplies as it would restrict current Ukrainian shipping paces and deter Ukrainian farmers from planting more acreage this spring. Traders are also focused on South American oilseed production prospects. Producers in Brazil have now harvested more than half of their soybeans for the season. Brazil's crop is seen by the USDA at a record 153 million metric tons (MMT).  Drought has reduced the prospects for Argentina’s soybean and sunflower crops. Argentina’s soybean production is expected to be 33.0 MMT on lower harvested area and yields. At the end of February, nearly 25 percent of Argentina’s sunflower area was harvested. The reports from early harvested fields indicate lower-than-expected sunflower yields. USDA pegs sunflower production at 3.8 MMT a 14 percent decrease from last month’s forecast. Traders are also speculating on potential U.S. acreage for the upcoming growing season.
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