Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jun 26 2023
Crop Progress - Monday, June 26, 2023
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Planted 97 91 92 94
Emerged 81 61 67 77
South Dakota        
Planted 97 89 95 92
Emerged 62 42 -- --
Planted 100 100 100 100
Planted 83 70 74 81
Planted 87 73 75 82
Planted NA 76 82 81
Harvested NA NA 6 15
Crop Conditions - Monday, June 26, 2023
State Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota 1 9 38 50 2
Minnesota 0 3 30 64 3
Colorado 0 2 71 21 6
South Dakota 2 4 50 42 2
Grower report
Kennedy, MN area producer Tom Dowdle says he completed planting about 3 weeks ago. Planting conditions were about average- not to wet and not to dry in most areas. Lately, it has been fairly dry. 3 weeks ago, they received just under 2” of rain in 25 min. Now they could use a little rain again. They have a few chances of rain in the upcoming days. His sunflowers have emerged and are currently at the v-2 to v-3 stage.
Nearby prices were unchanged to up 30 cents with new crop unchanged at the crush plants this week. On Friday, USDA will release its latest planted acres report. In the March intentions report producers indicated they planned to decrease oil acres by 22% with confection acres up 10% from last year. Traders are anxious to confirm if this change in acres occurred or is higher than USDA estimates. Some in the trade think oil sunflower acres will be down by 15-20% and confection acres will be up higher than 10%. USDA’s acreage report will be the main driver in the market following its release. It’s the busiest time of year across the sunflower growing region as farmers finish up planting spring 2023 crops and begin crop protection activities over the next few weeks Planting is nearing the finish line for sunflowers. As of June 25, 96% of expected 2023 sunflower acreage was in the ground, up from 89% from the week prior and ahead of the five-year average of 91%. Warmer than normal temperatures have been in place for most of the past six weeks, hastening crop development where it has been a bit behind. Last week in the Dakotas and Minnesota crops received a good drink in most areas giving some relief to parched soils. The long-term weather forecast has above normal chances for rain across the sunflower growing region which will be welcome given how dry some areas are in the Northern Plains.
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