Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jul 26 2021
Crop Progress - Monday, July 26, 2021
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Blooming 15 5 19 25
Harvested NA 20 28 15
Crop Conditions - Monday, July 26, 2021
State Timeframe Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota This week 7 29 44 19 1
  Last week 6 25 45 23 1
Minnesota This week 5 11 48 36 0
  Last week 3 13 48 35 1
Colorado This week 0 8 30 56 6
  Last week 0 9 27 60 4
Examine crop for rust
Crop scouts are starting to see the first stages of sunflower rust appear. Rust is most often found on the lower under-side of leaves. The pustules are cinnamon-red and readily recognizable. Yield loss can occur, and control measures should be considered when rust reaches approximately 1% severity on the upper four leaves and the plant is in the vegetative stages until it reaches the R6 stage. An infestation on the upper leaves at R6 or later will not likely have a negative yield affect. Fortunately, rust can be managed with well-timed fungicide applications. To learn more about rust, visit Rust (Puccinia helianthi) (
Scout for insects
According to NDSU Crop & Pest Report, grasshopper numbers are increasing. The hot, dry weather will quickly push insect development into the adult stage, which can cause more crop damage. Trap captures of banded sunflower moth and Arthuri sunflower moth increased this last week. The highest trap numbers for banded sunflower moth were in the southern half of ND. Red sunflower seed weevils are present in wild sunflowers along roadsides. IPM maps of insect pests and diseases are posted on:
The sunflower market established new market highs for old and new crop this week adding 10 to 25 cents. Nearby prices are trading in range of $29.40-$29.50 in the Dakotas. New crop NuSun is priced at $27.30-$27.80 with high oleic at $27.80-$28.30 at the North Dakota crush plants. In the High Plains, nearby and new crop high oleics were up 25 cents. Birdfood is trading in a range of $28-$30 in the Dakotas. Sunflower trading continues to be influenced to a greater extent by crop conditions and development progress. Sunflowers are mostly in the late bud stage or blooming in the Dakotas and Minnesota. In Texas, planting has wrapped up and harvest is on-going making good progress. Traders are closely watching weather conditions for the Dakotas and Minnesota. Severe to exceptional drought conditions are prevalent throughout the area and it is looking like not much will change through the end of July, with the Dakotas and Minnesota heavily favored for above average temperatures and below normal precipitation. At this time, it is unknown how this might impact sunflower production. Currently, the majority of the crop is in fair to excellent condition. Mid-August through September is the critical time frame for sunflowers. The ongoing drought conditions and production uncertainty should keep old and new crop prices trending to the upside as birdfood and crushers compete for remaining old crop seed stocks to cover near term needs.
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