Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jul 12 2021
Crop Progress - Monday, July 12, 2021
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Emerged 92 85 94 --
Blooming 2 -- 2 6
Planted 95 93 95 95
Planted N/A 90 88 96
Harvested N/A 9 10 --
Crop Conditions - Monday, July 12, 2021
State Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota 5 23 49 22 1
Minnesota 2 12 41 43 2
Colorado 0 14 35 45 6
Start scouting for sunflower moth
It is time to start scouting for banded sunflower moth (BSM) and Arthuri sunflower moth (ASM). BSM is a small (1⁄4 inch long), straw yellow moth with a triangular, dark brown band crossing through the middle of the forewing. ASM is similar to BSM in size but, it is a whitish-gray moth with a broken brown and gray band on the forewings. When sampling, use the W pattern and begin counting at least 75 to 100 feet into the field to avoid field margin effects. Count moths on 20 plants at 5 sampling sites to obtain the total number of moths per 100 plants. When scouting during the day (late morning to early afternoon), the moths remain quiet, resting on upper or lower leaves of sunflower plants or other neighboring broadleaf plants like soybeans. Look for the moth fluttering from plant to plant when disturbed. For more information, visit
Watch for grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are moving into crops earlier and appear to be as bad, if not worse, than observed last year. Cereal grains are currently being targeted by grasshopper populations. However, sunflowers and other crops that are still green will be the next targets and should be monitored closely for grasshopper feeding.
The sunflower market in the Dakotas continues to stay on the uptrend as birdfood and crushers compete for remaining old crop seed stocks making sure to cover nearby needs. The market is starting to reflect market fundamentals for this time of year. Since June 21 at the North Dakota crush plants nearby NuSun and high oleic prices have increased $2.00-$2.80 per cwt. New crop has gained $1.60-$1.80. Nearby and new crop seed prices in the High Plains have gained 70 cents. Now that the USDA planted acres report data is factored into the market, buyers will anxiously watch crop production prospects before making longer term purchases. Initial estimates using trend yields peg oil-type sunflower production at 2.1 billion pounds down 23 percent from last year with confection sunflower production at 206 million pounds down 43 percent from 2020. In October, USDA will provide its first official estimate for oil and non-oil sunflower production.  Sunflower trading will be influenced to a greater extent by crop conditions and progress along with weather conditions in the near term. Currently severe to exceptional drought conditions are prevalent throughout the Dakotas and Minnesota. At this time, it is unknown how this might impact sunflower production. Mid-August through September is the critical time frame for sunflowers. The latest USDA supply and demand figures will also guide market direction in the week ahead.
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