Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jan 27 2025
Nominations invited for NSA Gold Award
Every year, the National Sunflower Association presents its Gold Award to an individual who has contributed extraordinarily to the overall sunflower industry, either through his or her occupation or through the National Sunflower Association. This award is considered to be the highest award that the NSA presents to individuals. The award has been given since 1989. Some past Gold Award winners include John McLean, Larry Kleingartner, Duane Berglund, Sen. Mark Andrews, Chuck Moses, Jim Krogh, Gary Fick and Robert Majkrzak. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 NSA Gold Award. Visit and scroll to the bottom of the page for the eligibility and criteria requirements. Nominations must be received by February 7, 2025. The NSA Board of Directors will review all submitted applications and choose a recipient. The Gold Award will be presented during this year’s NSA Summer Seminar, set for June 24-26 in Bismarck, ND.
Sunflower Production Update set for January 30
Sunflower producers and crop advisers interested in sunflower production management updates should plan to participate in the Zoom conference ‘2025 Getting-it-Right in Sunflower Production’ on Thursday, January 30 from 8:30 a.m. to noon CST. The program will be conducted by North Dakota State University Extension and is supported by NSA. Topics that will be covered range from plant nutrient and soil management, updates for weed, disease and insect management, and sunflower marketing. Attendees will receive a list of several pertinent extension sunflower production resources as reference materials and are supplemental to the presentations. The presentations will be recorded and archived.
Certified crop adviser continuing education credits will be available for meeting participants. Pre-registration is required at: The program is free of charge.
Nearby sunflower prices for the week ended up 40 to 50 cents. New crop prices for sunflowers were unchanged to up 50 cents. On February 3, the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) will begin the discovery process in determining 2025 crop insurance price elections for sunflowers. Producers have the option of choosing Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, and Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. All three policies have the same price election. To follow the direction for sunflower price elections, watch the 2025 CBoT December soyoil contract during the month of February. Last year the projected price for oil sunflower was $23.80 with confections at $28.80. Using the same oil versus confection price differential and based on the current CBoT December contract price the projected price for oil sunflower would be about $22.50 with confections at $27.50. Final price elections will be announced in early March. Harvest is underway in South America. This will have the trade keeping close tabs on weather conditions, yield, and production forecasts. 2024/25 soybean production in Brazil has most analysts still expecting a bin-busting soybean crop of around 171-172 million metric tons (MMT). That compares with soybean production of 153.5 MMT last year. Argentina is expected to produce 52 MMT of soybeans, which is an 8% increase from the previous year.
Upcoming North Dakota County Elections
Growers are invited to attend elections in their county for the sunflower representatives to the North Dakota Oilseed Council. Elections are being held in several areas in January and February. Here’s a list by county:
  • Williams County: January 28, 10:00 a.m., Grand Hotel & Conference Center, Williston
  • Mercer County: January 28, 11:30 a.m., Beulah Civic Center, Beulah
  • Ward County: January 29, 3:30 p.m., Grand Hotel, Minot
  • Grant County, January 30, 9:00 a.m., Grant County Fair Building, Carson
  • Golden Valley County, February 4, 12:30 p.m., Golva Bar, Golva
  • McKenzie County: February 5, 10:30 a.m., McKenzie County Ag Expo, Watford City
  • Renville County: February 5, 9:00 a.m., MLS Mohall Public School, Mohall
  • Billings County: February 5, 7:00 p.m., Choice Bank, Belfield
  • Hettinger County: February 6, 12:30 p.m., Ambulance Hall, Regent
  • McHenry County: February 11, 12:00 p.m., Anamoose Senior Center, Anamoose
  • Mountrail County: February 12, 9:30 a.m., Mountrail County South Complex, Stanley
  • Bottineau County: February 12, 9:00 a.m., Cobblestone Inn & Suites, Bottineau
For more information, visit
Upcoming Events
January 30, 2025 - Getting-it-Right in Sunflower Production Zoom Conference
February 4-5, 2025 - High Plains No-Till Conference; Burlington, CO
Markets at a Glance
Weekly Prices Recorded on Monday, January 27, 2025 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2025 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 45.55 45.77 45.05 -.72 44.76
West Fargo, ND NuSun NQ NQ NQ NC NQ
West Fargo, ND High Oleic NQ 22.50 23.00 +.50 23.00
Enderlin, ND NuSun NQ NQ NQ NC NQ
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 14.75 22.50 23.00 +.50 22.25
Lamar, CO High Oleic 16.70 23.10 23.50 +.40 24.00
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Monday, January 27, 2025
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. locations)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 49.05 44.77 44.05 -.72
Cotton Oil (pbsy) 70.55 70.77 70.05 -.72
Corn Oil 62.00 46.00 46.00 NC

Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. Individual companies have the right to correct any errors that may occur. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
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