Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Feb 03 2025
NDSU Sunflower Production Guide
sunflower production guideThe NDSU Extension Bulletin (A1995) has long been called the ‘sunflower bible’ since it was first published in 1975.  The 178-page publication is full of four-color pictures of the major insects and diseases for ease in identification.  The guide is directed primarily toward sunflower production in the Northern Great Plains of the United States; however, it is relevant to other production areas.  The publication can be viewed on our website. Click here to view. NSA will provide one complimentary copy to sunflower growers.  To obtain your complimentary copy email:  Please include your name and complete mailing address.  The Sunflower Production Guide is also available for sale from the NSA’s online catalog for $15 including shipping. Click here to order.
Minnesota Sunflower Council Election
Minnesota sunflower producers will have the opportunity to vote for a council member in region 1 later this month. Region 1 comprises Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Red Lake, Polk, Norman, Mahnomen, Clearwater, Clay and Becker counties. Greg Hilgeman from Oklee, MN is up for re-election and eligible to serve another term on the MSC. Ballots will be sent out on February 24, 2025 to sunflower producers in the MSC database. If you are not certain you are in the database and want to vote you can request a ballot by contacting Tina Mittelsteadt at 701-328-5138. The request needs to be submitted by February 14, 2025.
Nearby sunflower prices for the week ended up 20 to 40 cents. New crop prices for sunflowers were unchanged to up 50 cents. We are in the price discovery process for 2025 crop insurance price elections. Based on the current CBoT December contract price the projected price for oil sunflower would be about $23.00 with confections at $28.00. These prices are slightly lower than last year. Corn, soybean, and spring wheat prices are also presently lower than where they were last year at this same time. Currently, projected prices are not known, as February is just beginning. However, current futures levels provide reasonable indications of 2025 projected prices. To follow sunflower price election trends, watch the 2025 CBoT December soyoil contract through February 28. Final price elections will be announced in early March. On the CBoT, traders are squaring positions ahead of the next World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from USDA. In the week ahead CBoT traders will be keeping tabs on South American weather conditions and the latest USDA yield and production forecasts. Some market analysts think the market is acting like another big crop is coming in South America, regardless of what forecasters predict. Some believe that to see a significant 2025 price upside, the world would need to see weather related supply shortages develop this year.
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