Sunflower Production Update set for February 1
Sunflower producers and crop advisers interested in sunflower production management updates should plan to participate in the Zoom conference ‘2022 Getting-it-Right in Sunflower Production’ on Tuesday, February 1 from 8:30 a.m. to noon CST. The program will be conducted by North Dakota State University Extension and is supported by NSA. Topics that will be covered range from hybrid selection, what has been learned from the fall 2021 sunflower survey, plant nutrient and soil management, updates for weed, disease and insect management, and sunflower marketing. Attendees will receive a list of several pertinent extension sunflower production resources as reference materials and are supplemental to the presentations. The presentations will be recorded and archived.
Certified crop adviser continuing education credits will be available for meeting participants. Pre-registration is required at All who preregister will receive emailed instructions on how to participate in the meeting. The program is free of charge.