Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Dec 13 2021
Register Now for the 2022 NSA Research Forum
Registration is now open for the 2022 NSA Research Forum, scheduled for January 12-13, 2022 at the Holiday Inn (3803 13th Ave. S, Fargo, ND) Visit 2022 NSA Research Forum ( to register for the forum at the early bird price of $130.  You’ll find hotel information there as well. 
Sunflower Production Update set for February 1, 2022
Sunflower producers and crop advisers interested in sunflower production management updates should plan to participate in the Zoom conference ‘2022 Getting-it-Right in Sunflower Production’ on Tuesday, February 1 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. The program will be conducted by North Dakota State University Extension and is supported by NSA. Topics that will be covered range from hybrid selection, what has been learned from the fall 2021 sunflower survey, plant nutrient and soil management, updates for weed, disease and insect management, and sunflower marketing. Attendees will receive a list of several pertinent extension sunflower production resources as reference materials and are supplemental to the presentations. The presentations will be recorded and archived.
Certified crop adviser continuing education credits will be available for meeting participants. Pre-registration is required at All who preregister will receive emailed instructions on how to participate in the meeting. The program is free of charge.
Seed Quality - Monday, December 13, 2021
High Plains 2021 2020 Northern Plains 2021 2020
Oil Content 40.0% 39.4% Oil Content 44.8% 43.4%
Foreign Material 6.7% 6.6% Foreign Material 4.0% 3.5%
Moisture 6.5% 7.3% Moisture 9.4% 8.9%
Test Weight 29.3 lbs. 28.7 lbs. Test Weight 31.5 lbs. 29.8 lbs.
Nearby NuSun and high oleic prices were mixed last week at the crush plants. NuSun was down 25 to up 25 cents with high oleic down 25 to unchanged. 2022 new crop was down 25 cents to unchanged. Last week’s USDA December World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates made little change, as expected. Many traders thought USDA kicked the can down the road as no changes were made to 2021 soybean yield or acreage estimates. Surveying is currently underway for the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) annual crop production report. Yield and acreage adjustments will likely be included in the January 2022 annual crop production report release. Updates from USDA’s October estimates on sunflower yield, acreage and production will be in the January report as well. On the Chicago Board of Trade, traders are focused on crop developments in South America. USDA anticipates Argentina will produce 49.5 million metric tons (MMT) of soybeans, while Brazil will produce 144 MMT, which is unchanged from last month. Market analysts are closely watching La Nina weather conditions and the potential they may have on South American oilseed production. While most production areas have some drought damage risk, there is still tremendous upside at the moment. Until more is known and or the crop is made market volatility will continue with each weather forecast in the weeks ahead.
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