Register Now for the 2023 NSA Research Forum
Registration is open for the 2023 NSA Research Forum, scheduled for January 11-12, 2023 at the Holiday Inn (3803 13th Ave. S, Fargo, ND) Visit to register. You’ll find hotel information there also. Rooms are still available at the Holiday Inn for the special NSA Research Forum price of $106 (plus tax) per night. Call (701) 282-2700 to reserve your room; these rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. Registration fee is $130 until December 27, 2022 after which the fee increases to $145 until January 9, 2023. At that time, registration will close and registration at the door will be $170. The Forum will be an in-person event. No refunds will be given after December 27, 2022. If you have questions, contact Tina Mittelsteadt at or visit our website.