Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Dec 11 2023
Canada sunflower seed production increases
According to Statistics Canada data, 2023 Canadian sunflower seed production is estimated at 92,468 metric tons (MT), which is up 10 percent from 2022. Last year Canadian farmers produced 84,054 MT of sunflower seed. The 2023 production is slightly above the previous three-year average of 86,750 MT. The majority of Canada’s sunflower crop is grown in Manitoba, with production also in Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Register Now for the 2024 NSA Research Forum
Registration is open for the 2024 NSA Research Forum, scheduled for January 10-11, 2024 at the Holiday Inn (3803 13th Ave. S, Fargo, ND) Visit  to register. You’ll find hotel information there also. The Holiday Inn will honor the special NSA Research Forum price of $110 (plus tax) per night if there are rooms available but you must ask for our block.  Call (701) 282-2700 to reserve your room. Registration fee is $130 until December 27, 2023, after which the fee increases to $145 until January 8, 2024. At that time, registration will close and registration at the door will be $170. The Forum will be an in-person event. No refunds will be given after December 27, 2023. If you have questions, contact Tina Mittelsteadt at or visit our website.
Seed Quality - Monday, December 11, 2023
High Plains 2023 2022 Northern Plains 2023 2022
Oil Content 38.6% 40.0% Oil Content 45.0% 44.9%
Foreign Material 6.5% 5.9% Foreign Material 3.7% 4.3%
Moisture 7.4% 7.3% Moisture 8.5% 9.1%
Test Weight 28.6 lbs. 29.0 lbs. Test Weight 30.5 lbs. 30.2 lbs.
Nearby high oleic prices were mixed last week at the crush plants at down 35 cents to unchanged with NuSun prices unchanged. Last week’s USDA December World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates saw little change, as expected. Many traders thought USDA kicked the can down the road as no changes were made to 2023 soybean yield or acreage estimates. On the soybean demand side, 2023/24 crush, exports, seed use and ending stocks were left unchanged from last month as well. Surveying is currently underway for the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service’s (NASS) annual crop production report. Yield and acreage adjustments will likely be included in the January 2024 annual crop production report release. Updates from USDA’s October estimates on sunflower yield, acreage and production will be in the January report as well. On the Chicago Board of Trade, traders are focused on crop developments in South America. USDA anticipates Brazil to produce 161 million metric tons (MMT), down slightly from 163 MMT last month. Argentina is expected to produce 48 MMT, reflecting no change from the month before. Market analysts are closely watching El Nino weather conditions and the potential they may have on South American oilseed production. While most production areas have some damage risk, there is still some upside at the moment. Until more is known and or the crop is made market volatility will continue with each weather forecast in the weeks ahead.
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