Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Apr 29 2024
N Calculator available for North Dakota producers
With fertilizer prices at the highest levels in the past seven years and producers looking to control costs, check out the North Dakota Nitrogen Calculator for sunflower. You can find the calculator at The calculator uses new nitrogen recommendations, which were updated for the first time since the 1970s. There are also new recommendations for phosphorus (P) for sunflower in the northern Great Plains. The new N and P recommendations are based on general productivity history and not a yield prediction model. N and P recommendations are based on both documented yield responses to each and economic analysis. The calculator does not immediately support sunflower prices above 30 cents per pound or N prices greater than $1/lb N. However, if you divide each value (sunflower price AND N cost) by 2, and insert these values into the calculator, the proper N recommendation will result. The NDSU Fertilizing Sunflower Circular SF713 with the new recommendations can be found online at
Reminder about stored seed
Producers who have stored seed are reminded to keep a close eye on their seed to keep it in good condition. As outdoor temperatures increase, stored grain requires attention to prevent losses. The stored grain temperature increases in the spring not only due to an increase in outdoor temperatures but also due to solar heat gain on the bin. Solar energy produces more than twice as much heat gain on the south wall of a bin in early spring as it does during the summer. The moisture content of the seed can also become a concern as temperatures increase. It is a good idea to have bins probed and tested regularly to protect your investment.
In the past four weeks nearby sunflower prices at the crush plants have gotten some upward traction from market lows with gains of 30 cents to $1.25 per cwt. This is positive news after the disappointing drop off in prices after harvest. Over the same period new crop prices have remained steady and competitive with other minor oilseeds when considering base price and premiums paid for oil content. A strengthening U.S. Dollar, planting progress in the United States and harvest progress in South America have all joined forces recently to create enough bearish sentiment in the market to trigger rounds of technical selling. The U.S. currency is hovering near its strongest level against a basket of global currencies since November. A strong greenback makes U.S. goods traded in dollars less attractive to overseas buyers. This comes at a time when soybean markets are also battling seasonal competition from Brazilian exports. This is limiting the attractiveness of U.S. soybeans on the global stage as USDA reports are showing a slowing of U.S. export shipping pace and volumes. With South American oilseed harvest wrapping up, the attention of the oilseed market will shift to North American demand news, weather, crop conditions and production prospects in the months ahead.
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