Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Nov 20 2017
Crop Progress
Sunflower harvest is coming to an end acorss reporting states; Minnesota reports 97% of the crop has been harvested, North Dakota reports 87%, and in South Dakota sunflower harvest is 89% complete.
Crop Progress - Monday, November 20, 2017
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Harvested 87 81 91 86
South Dakota        
Harvested 89 81 96 88
Harvested 97 93 98 96
Harvested 87 79 92 91
Harvested 83 74 88 88
Harvested 87 83 87 87
Seed Quality
High Plains 2017 2016
Oil Content 39.2% 40.8%
Foreign Material 6.1% 6.3%
Moisture 7.9% 7.5%
Test Weight 28.4 lbs 30.4lbs
Northern Plains 2017 2016
Oil Content 43.5% 43.5%
Foreign Material 3.3% 4.5%
Moisture 8.9% 9.0%
Test Weight 31.0lbs 30.5lbs
USDA to Collect 2017 Crop Production and Stocks Data
As the 2017 growing season comes to an end, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers nationwide to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseeds stored on their farms. At the same time, NASS will survey grain facility operators to determine year-end off-farm grain and oilseed stocks. The information will be compiled, analyzed, and then published in a series of USDA reports, including the Crop Production Annual Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be released January 12.
Register Now for the 2018 NSA Research Forum
Registration is open for the 2018 NSA Research Forum, scheduled for January 10-11, 2018 at the Delta by Marriott in Fargo, ND. Click here to register online now for the early bird price of $130.
Sunflower prices at the crush plants ended the week mixed at down 5 to up 15 cents. Birdfood prices continued their trend upward this week. Sunflower harvest is getting close to wrapping up in the US. Most states are equal to or slightly ahead of the five-year average harvest pace per USDA. Yield reports continue to be inconsistent ranging from below average to above average depending on the area and weather conditions it experienced this year. In the past week, producers harvested an additional 89,310 acres pushing 2017 harvested acres to 1,106,675 acres. This represents 88% of this year’s projected harvested acres and is about equal to the five-year average. Seed quality remains generally very good. On the CBoT, traders are concerned about US soybean export demand and a mostly favorable South America weather outlook. This has led to choppy trade on most days. With the USDA November production estimate in the market and harvest wrapping up in the Northern Hemisphere attention will continue to be more focused on demand news and to South America's oilseed production prospects. For most commodities producer selling will likely slow down given current pricing unless storage is an issue with the hope of a rally occurring later this year or early 2018.
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