Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jul 01 2019
Crop Progress
Sunflower planting is wrapping up in reporting states; North Dakota reports 99 percent of the crop planted, right in line with the average for this week. 
Crop Progress - Monday, July 1, 2019
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Planted 99 93 100 100
Emerged 89 77 91 ---
South Dakota        
Planted 93 82 90 92
Planted 87 71 93 89
Planted 84 73 87 87
Planted 75 67 89 92
Crop Conditions - Monday, July 1, 2019
State Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota 0 1 16 81 2
Colorado 0 0 13 83 4
Minnesota 0 0 19 69 12
RMA Administrator Meets with NSA Board, Attends Summer Seminar
Members of the National Sunflower Association’s Board of Directors got to share their concerns and ideas with RMA Administrator Martin Barbre at their meeting on June 25. Barbre was also the keynote speaker at the general session luncheon on June 26, where he shared his ideas to secure the future of agriculture by providing world class risk management tools to farmers. 
USDA released its planted acres report last week. Area planted to sunflower in 2019 totals 1.38 million acres, up 6 percent from 2018. Harvested area is expected to increase 8 percent from last year to 1.32 million acres. Planted area of oil type varieties, at 1.23 million acres, is up 5 percent from 2018, and harvested area is also expected to increase 7 percent from last year to 1.18 million acres. Planted acreage of non-oil varieties, estimated at 155,000, is up 13 percent from last year. Harvested area is expected to increase 16 percent from last year to 143,500 acres. Total planted sunflower acres were 2 percent higher than the March planting intentions report. USDA estimated soybean acreage at 80 million acres with corn at 91.7 million acres. All-wheat planted acreage for 2019 is estimated at 45.6 million acres, down 5% from 2018. Spring wheat acres were pegged at 12.4 million acres. Soybean grain stocks in all positions set a record for June 1 at 1.79 billion bushels, up 47% compared to 1.2 billion bushels for the third quarter a year ago.  With the release of the USDA report, the key to oilseed prices going forward will be US summer weather and demand news. Traders will also factor in any results or the lack of them after U.S.-China trade talks between the U.S. and China presidents meeting in Japan.
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