Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Sep 03 2019
Crop Progress
In states reporting crop conditions, the crop is being rated at 78 to 88 percent good to excellent condition.
Crop Progress - Tuesday, September 3, 2019
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Blooming 97 94 --- ---
Petals Dry 36 19 81 65
Bracts Yellow 6 1 55 ---
Harvested 48 46 60 45
Crop Conditions - Tuesday, September 3, 2019
State Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota 1 2 13 77 7
Colorado 0 1 11 76 12
Minnesota 0 0 22 64 14
Monitor for Phomopsis Stem Canker
This time of year, it is important to scout for Phomopsis stem canker. Disease symptoms can be easily confused with that of Sclerotinia mid-stem rot and Phoma black stem. For Phomopsis stem canker, a light to dark colored lesion develops on the stem. In addition, the stem becomes hollow and can be punctured with thumb. Febina Mathew’s lab at South Dakota State University is looking for sunflower plant samples that are suspected of Phomopsis stem canker. For information on how to send samples, please contact Ryan Buetow or Febina Mathew. The address to send samples (only the diseased stem) is Febina Mathew, South Dakota State University, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Plant Science Department, SPSB 113, Box 2108, Brookings, SD 57007. For more information, click here. For a video explanation, click here. To learn more about common stem diseases in sunflower, click here.
Benefits of Desiccation
Now is a great time to start thinking about desiccating your sunflower crop. Getting the crop harvested several weeks early can result in higher yields and lower drying costs. Late season crop damage and blackbird damage can be reduced, and desiccation may also slow down head diseases such as Sclerotinia. Early dry down can also minimize artificial drying costs. September and the first half of October harvest can often allow the use of air-drying to lower seed moisture in storage. To learn more about desiccation, click here
USDA Provides Help with Blackbirds
As sunflowers ripen, blackbirds are beginning to appear and cause problems. The USDA can help. Click here for a map with phone numbers for those USDA Wildlife Services personnel. USDA Wildlife Services has hired five additional specialists to help North Dakota producers with blackbirds. Some other ways to reduce damage include cattail management, cannons, harassment, desiccants and repellants. These tools are even more effective when used together. For more on blackbirds, click here.
Upcoming Events
January 8-9, 2020
NSA Research Forum
Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND
Good seed demand has allowed sunflower prices to avoid the headwinds some other commodities are currently experiencing.  Nearby seed prices at the crush plants were unchanged this week and continue to trade above the 60-day moving average. The market is taking a breath after setting market highs in each of the past four weeks. In August old crop prices gained 75 cents per cwt.New crop values remain at market highs set in late August. Mid-August through September is the critical time frame for sunflowers. The sunflower growing states have mostly adequate moisture, but crop development remains behind the five-year average normal pacein most areas. In states reporting crop conditions, the crop is being rated at 78 to 88 percent good to excellent condition. This should mean that yields will be above trend assuming normal weather through the rest of this fall and the lack of an early freeze. Buyers will be anxiously watching crop production prospects before making longer term purchases. 2019 U.S. sunflower production is still undetermined and will not be known until this fall. In its first estimate, USDA pegged U.S. sunflower production nearly unchanged in 2019/20 at 2.12 billion pounds. In October, USDA will provide an updated estimate for oil and non-oil sunflower production.  These reports and demand news will set the tone for new crop sunflower price direction in the near term.
Weekly Prices Recorded on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2019 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 28.39 28.33 28.87 +.54 29.09
Fargo, ND NuSun 17.30 18.30 18.30 NC 17.40
Fargo, ND High Oleic 17.40 18.75 18.75 NC 17.60
Enderlin, ND NuSun 17.40 18.40 18.40 NC 17.30
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 17.40 18.70 18.70 NC 17.60
Goodland, KS NuSun 16.35 16.45 16.45 NC 16.60
Goodland, KS High Oleic 17.55 17.55 17.55 NC 17.85
Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. All prices are subject to change. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Tuesday, September 3, 2019
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. location)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 28.03 28.33 28.37 +.04
Cotton Oil (psby) 27.53 37.33 37.94 +.61
Corn Oil 30.00 29.00 29.00 NC
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