USDA Releases June Planted Acres Report
Post Date: Jun 30 2016
Area planted to sunflower in 2016 totals 1.65 million acres, down 11 percent from 2015 and the fourth lowest planted area since 1976. Harvested area is expected to decrease 12 percent from last year to 1.58 million acres. Planted area of oil type varieties, at 1.43 million acres, is down 8 percent from 2015, and is the sixth lowest since 1976. In Kansas and Nebraska, planted area of oil type varieties are the lowest on record. Planted acreage of non-oil varieties, estimated at 216,400, is down 30 percent from last year and is the second lowest since 1976. In Colorado, planted area of non-oil varieties is the lowest acreage on record.

To see the sunflower plantings report, click here.
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