Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Feb 16 2016
What is on the horizon for U.S. producers in 2016 as they finalize plans for planting this spring? The March Agricultural Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey U.S. producers to determine their plans for the upcoming growing season. NASS will mail the survey questionnaire in February, asking producers to provide information about the types of crops they intend to plant in 2016, how many acres they intend to plant, and the amounts of grain and oilseed they store on their operations. NASS encourages producers to respond online or by mail. Producers who do not respond by the deadline may be contacted for a telephone or personal interview. NASS will compile and analyze the survey information and publish the results in the annual Prospective Plantings report and quarterly Grain Stocks report, both to be released on March 31, 2016.
Nominations for the 2016 NSA Gold Award are due this week. Visit for the eligibility and criteria requirements. Nominations must be received by February 19. The NSA board of directors will review all submitted applications and choose a winner. The Gold Award will be presented during the NSA Summer Seminar, set for June 28-30 in Bismarck, ND. Every year since 1989, the NSA has presented the Gold Award to an individual who has contributed extra-ordinarily to the overall sunflower industry, either through their occupation or through the National Sunflower Association. This award is considered to be the highest award that the NSA presents to individuals. 
Congratulations to the four lucky winners of the iPads given away at recent ag shows. The NSA’s High Plains committee gave away one iPad at four different ag shows. The winners are:
  • Patrick Hume (CCTA)
  • Larry Pridey (CCTA)
  • Joel Shaw (Cover Your Acres)
  • Seth Tracy (Kansas Independent Crop Consultants Annual Meeting)
Thanks to everyone for stopping by the NSA’s High Plains Committee booth. We look forward to seeing you again next year.
USDA released supply and demand estimates last Tuesday and, while the new U.S. ending stocks estimates were larger than the trade's expectations for soybeans, wheat and corn, the numbers were not out of line. USDA showed a small reduction in the domestic crush estimate, which should support soyoil values on the CBoT and in turn sunflower prices. CBoT soyoil continues to gain on soymeal with support coming from higher palm oil prices. Vegetable oil markets have trended higher on expectations for falling production of palm oil due to El Nino. This week, China returns from its week-long Lunar New Year holiday, which could add fresh news to the markets about its economy and product imports. Other than the USDA report it has been quiet in terms of market moving news. When Chinese buyers return to work their focus may be on South American soybeans. Argentina and Brazil are expecting to harvest a big oilseed crop and the weather offers few threats to that prospect. Now that the USDA report is in the market traders will focus on South American weather and crop progress in the week ahead.
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