Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Feb 01 2016
If you weren’t able to attend this year’s NSA Research Forum in Fargo, ND, you can still learn about the latest sunflower research. PowerPoint presentations of all the reports given earlier this month at the forum can be found on the NSA website under the “Research” tab. For a historical look, all presentations dating back to 2008 are available there as well. Here is a direct link to this year’s presentations: Researchers from the Dakotas, Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Canada presented a total of 16 papers and 16 posters. 
The 19th Annual International Sunflower Conference is scheduled for May 26-June 3, 2016 in Edirne, Turkey. The conference is being organized by the International Sunflower Association (ISA) and Trakya University in Edirne, Turkey. Scientific subjects of broad interest to the sunflower community will be covered. Subjects include production, agronomy, breeding and genetics, genomics, biotechnology, and more. For more information, visit 
Every year the NSA presents the Gold Award to an individual who has contributed extra-ordinarily to the overall sunflower industry, either through their occupation or through the National Sunflower Association. This award is considered to be the highest award that the NSA presents to individuals. The award has been given every year since 1989. Past Gold Award winners include John McLean, Larry Kleingartner, Duane Berglund, Senator Mark Andrews, and Chuck Moses. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2016 NSA Gold Award. Visit for the eligibility and criteria requirements. Nominations must be received by February 19. The NSA board of directors will review all submitted applications and chose a winner. The Gold Award will be presented during the NSA Summer Seminar, set for June 28-30 in Bismarck, ND. 
The Colorado Conservation Tillage Association’s High Plains No-Till Conference in Burlington, CO is February 2-3. For details, visit The NSA’s High Pains committee will give away an iPad at the conference. So if you attend, make sure you visit the High Plains booth and register to win! 

Old crop sunflower prices continue to trade in a narrow range. For the week old crop prices gained 10 to 15 cents while new crop was up 5 to 50 cents at the crush plants. Fresh market news has been limited and has CBoT traders looking at private estimates of the 2016 soybean crop. One private group estimates US 2016 soybeans planted acres near 85.2 million. USDA’s first guess for US 2016 acres and supply and demand will be at their Feb 26-27 conference in Washington, DC. Traders are also starting to pay attention to new weather forecasts for the US 2016 summer. Some feel the odds for drier and warmer summer weather could increase given above normal US Midwest Nov-Dec rains and the fact El Nino could shift to La Nina. This type of weather would not be conducive to above trend soybean yields. The market has not added any weather premium at this time but it warrants watching as we get closer to spring planting. U.S. export and domestic demand along with South American weather and crop progress will be the main traded features in the week ahead.

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