Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Nov 09 2020
Crop progress
Sunflower harvest is ahead of average in most states, including North Dakota, where 85% of the crop is reported harvested. That compares to 66% average and 29% at this time a year ago.
Crop Progress - Monday, November 9, 2020
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Harvested 85 69 29 66
South Dakota        
Harvested 74 50 42 77
Harvested 100 97 50 89
Harvested 94 90 82 75
Harvested 79 68 76 67
Harvested 88 86 84 83
Seed Quality
High Plains 2020 2019
Oil Content 40.2% 40.8%
Foreign Material 5.8% 5.5%
Moisture 8.0% 6.6%
Test Weight 29.4 lbs 29.1 lbs
Northern Plains 2020 2019
Oil Content 44.5% 42.8%
Foreign Material 3.6% 5.8%
Moisture 10.2% 11.2%
Test Weight 30.6 lbs 29.3 lbs
Red River Commodities launches SunteinTM Sunflower Protein Flour
Red River Commodities has announced SunteinTM, a partially defatted flour boasting an impressive 49% protein value. Made from 100% edible sunflower kernels, this innovative ingredient is non-GMO and top 8 allergen free. SunteinTM has a mild flavor that is suitable for a wide variety of applications including bakery, confectionary, snack food, plant-based meat, seafood and dairy applications. For more information or samples, email the SunteinTM team at or by phone at 701-277-3531.
Call for papers
There’s still time to be a part of the National Sunflower Association’s Research Forum. The forum will be held virtually via Zoom on January 13-14, 2021. If you are interested in presenting at the Forum, click here to submit your application on our website. You do not have to submit the actual paper or poster at this time, just the information indicated online and the author information. Submissions must be completed by November 13, 2020. If you plan to attend, registration is now open on our website.
Register now for the 2021 NSA Research Forum
Registration is now open for the 2021 NSA Research Forum. The forum will be held via Zoom on January 13-14, 2021. Registration will be $25. To register, click here. Closer to the event, you’ll receive a link to attend the forum virtually. 
Grower report
Unseasonably nice November weather allowed Mott, ND area grower Josh Greff to get this year’s sunflower harvest finished early. He finished cutting about 1,000 acres of sunflowers late last week. He says he finished harvest this year earlier than he even started last year. Greff says yields and test weights have been good, despite drought conditions.
Upcoming events
 January 13-14, 2021
NSA Virtual Research Forum
June 22-24, 2021
NSA Summer Seminar Duluth, MN
Nearby NuSun and high oleic pricesat the crush plants were up 30 to 50 cents following the rally in the soy complex on the Chicago Board of Trade. Overall, NuSun and high oleic prices continue to trade above the 60 day moving average at the crush plants. 2021 new crop was up 25 to 45 cents. Very favorable weather conditions in the past week allowed sunflower producers to make good harvest progress. Harvest progress advanced 18% to 82% complete for the week ending November 8. Harvest progress remains 10% ahead of the five-year average. In the past week, producers harvested an additional 267,000 acres pushing 2020 harvested acres to about 1,251,000 acres. Harvest progress remains about one week ahead of the five year average. Last year at this same time only 40% of acres were harvested as sunflower producers faced extremely difficult harvest conditions. Per Oil World, global sunflower production for 2020/21 is forecast down 4.8 million metric tons (MMT) to 51.0 MMT from last year’s total and represents a three-year low. Drought-related yield reductions in the Black Sea region and area reduction for Argentina are mostly responsible for the decrease. Given the location of the crop losses, this bears watching as international trade would assume much of the impact and could open some market opportunities. In the near term, US harvest progress, yield and crop quality will continue to be key to prices going forward.
Weekly Prices Recorded on Monday, November 9, 2020 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2021 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 31.42 33.19 35.48 +2.29 33.91
West Fargo, ND NuSun 18.10 17.65 18.15 +.50 18.30
West Fargo, ND High Oleic 18.50 17.75 18.05 +.30 18.40
Enderlin, ND NuSun 18.10 17.65 18.10 +.45 18.35
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 18.50 17.65 18.10 +.45 18.60
Goodland, KS NuSun 17.10 17.65 18.00 +.35 18.50
Goodland, KS High Oleic 18.30 18.65 19.00 +.35 19.50
Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. All prices are subject to change. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Monday, November 9, 2020
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. location)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 30.53 33.94 35.98 +2.04
Cotton Oil (psby) 38.42 48.19 52.48 +4.29
Corn Oil 29.00 63.00 63.00 NC
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