Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Nov 18 2019
Crop Progress
Producers in Colorado, Kansas and Texas continue to make excellent harvest progress and are well ahead of the five-year average pace. In the Dakotas and Minnesota harvest remains behind the five-year average. 
Crop Progress - Monday, November 18, 2019
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Harvested 34 31 73 84
South Dakota        
Harvested 49 47 62 83
Harvested 69 50 89 95
Harvested 92 81 70 79
Harvested 92 84 70 83
Harvested NA 85 86 86
Seed Quality
High Plains 2019 2018
Oil Content 39.6% 41.3%
Foreign Material 7.1% 4.9%
Moisture 6.7% 8.0%
Test Weight 28.3 lbs 28.0 lbs
Northern Plains 2019 2018
Oil Content 42.6% 44.0%
Foreign Material 6.1% 3.6%
Moisture 11.7% 8.9%
Test Weight 29.4 lbs 31.5 lbs
Grower Report
Lindsborg, KS grower Karl Esping finished harvesting his 400 acres of oil sunflower last weekend. He says oil content was up a little and yields were good. He double crops sunflower after wheat and says the yields of 1,500-1,800 pound sunflower are higher than he expected.
Register Now for the 2020 NSA Research Forum ​​​​​​​
Registration is now open for the 2020 NSA Research Forum, scheduled for January 8-9, 2020 at the Holiday Inn (3803 13thAve. S, Fargo, ND). Click here to register for the forum at the early bird price of $130.  You’ll find hotel information there as well. 
Sunflower harvest continues to slowly move along in the US. In the past week, producers harvested an additional 47,000 acres pushing 2019 harvested acres to about 585,000 acres. This represents 48% of this year’s projected harvested acres and is behind the five-year average of 83%. Producers in Colorado, Kansas and Texas continue to make excellent harvest progress and are well ahead of the five-year average pace. In the Dakotas and Minnesota harvest remains behind the five-year average. Nearby prices continue to offer a premium and incentive to deliver to crush plants. On the CBoT traders still have lingering concerns about the overall state of U.S.-China trade negotiations. The two countries still hope to ink a partial trade deal next month but have yet to set a date or venue as they attempt to iron out some lingering disagreements. Both sides have said recently that at least a “partial” trade deal has been hammered out, but that doesn’t seem to be the case as negotiations continue with no end in sight. China has been reluctant to promise it would import a set amount of agricultural products after President Trump said last month Beijing would purchase $50 billion worth of goods. The President said that he would raise tariffs if a new deal isn’t agreed upon. Until a deal is announced the market will remain skeptical affecting price movement in the near term. 
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