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Post Date:
May 06 2019
North Dakota Final Planting Date Extended by 5 Days
Something for ND producers to keep in mind this growing season is the change to the final planting dates for sunflower for 2019. Last year the USDA Risk Management Agency approved a change to the final planting date in North Dakota counties for sunflower for the 2019 crop season. ND counties that had a June 5 final planting date are now June 10 and counties that had a June 10 final planting date are now June 15. The late planting period will begin the day after the final planting date for the insured crop and end 20 days after the final planting date.
Register Now for 2019 NSA Summer Seminar
Registration is now open for our 2019 NSA Summer Seminar, scheduled for June 26-27, 2019. This year’s Summer Seminar will be held in Medora, North Dakota.
Click here
to register. You’ll find our tentative schedule too, as well as hotel information and more. Pre-registration will begin at $325 and golf at $145, so register early for the best price. A block of rooms has been reserved in Medora. To make your reservation, visit
, select hotel reservations and enter check-in and check-out dates. You also need to enter Group Code 5781.
Note: The total per/room you’ll see when making your reservation is for your entire stay; it is
a nightly rate.
You can also call 1-800-633-6721 and ask for the NSA block of rooms. To reserve tickets to the Medora Musical,
click here
or call 1-800-633-6721. Ask for reservations and let them know you’re with the National Sunflower Association and want tickets for the June 26 performance. Please book by June 5 to ensure you have access to the group block. After this date, all unused seats will be released to the general public. Contact Tina Mittelsteadt at
with questions.
Reminder About Stored Seed
Producers who have stored seed are reminded to keep a close eye on seed moisture. It is a good idea to have bins probed and tested regularly to protect your investment.
Traders anxiously watched for any headlines regarding the delegation of leading US officials visiting China trying to negotiate a resolution to the ongoing US/China trade spat last week. Rumors seemed to fly in both directions with the US threatening to walk away without a deal to the Chinese mentioning progress being made. Trade anxiety amid slow-going US-China trade negotiations coupled with another week of disappointing Chinese imports and no fresh market news continues to pressure the soy complex on the CBoT. Traders are also becoming concerned of the risk that wet planting conditions in the Midwest will lead to producers switching out corn acres and adding more bean acres than what was reported in USDA planting intentions report in March. Sunflower prices had stayed relatively firm the past few weeks but lost a little traction in the past week from spillover weakness in the soy complex. NuSun and high oleic prices were down 10 cents to unchanged. A smaller than expected 2018 crop and lower beginning stocks have supported sunflower prices. In addition to news from China, weather and planting progress will remain the biggest short-term question marks for traders and will guide the market in the week ahead. There is still time to take advantage of the market opportunities that sunflowers can offer as processors are still offering Act of God (AOG) and cash new crop contracts.
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