Sunflower Highlights
Post Date: Jul 06 2020
Crop Progress
Sunflower planting is finished or nearly finished in all reporting states. In North Dakota, the sunflower crop is nearly all emerged, and 67% of the crop is rated in good to excellent condition.
Crop Progress - Monday, July 6, 2020
State This Week Last Week Last Year 5 Year Average
North Dakota        
Emerged 91 93 91 96
Planted 93 88 88 91
Planted 97 94 91 94
Planted 83 80 82 91
Harvested 9 8 1 NA
Crop Conditions - Monday, July 6, 2020
State Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
North Dakota 1 3 29 61 6
Minnesota 2 3 21 69 5
Colorado 3 12 47 35 3
USMCA entered into force July 1
After two years of negotiations and another year of wrangling votes on Capitol Hill, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA)entered into force July 1, replacing the 26-year-old NAFTA agreement giving market certainty to these markets for producers. Having a USMCA agreement in place is positive news for the sunflower market as it maintains duty free access for all sunflower products in the Canadian and Mexican markets. Canada is the largest export market for U.S. sunflower oil and sunflower kernel. Mexico is the second largest export market for in-shell seed and kernel.
Grower report
Scott Nelson’s fields near Lakota, in northeastern North Dakota have seen an excessive amount of moisture. Nelson says he got another 3-5 inches of rain last week. But, his 250 acres of high oleic sunflower are doing well despite all the rain. He says so far, he has not noticed any bug or weed issues.
The Scoular Company expands bird food facility
The Scoular Company’s Canadian affiliate has expanded its bird food manufacturing facility in Winkler, Manitoba. The company relocated its Winnipeg bird food operations to its company-owned bird food manufacturing facility in Winkler. The expansion has created six additional jobs at the Winkler facility. Scoular Canada purchases both confection sunflower and black oil sunflower from Manitoba farmers. About 90% of Canada’s sunflower crop is grown in Manitoba.
Scout for sunflower moth 
Sunflower moth migrates into North Dakota from the southern states each year. Pheromone trap catches for the sunflower moths were observed at only 2 of the 9 trap sites in 7 counties. See map at NDSU IPM Crop Survey: These trap catches are considered non-economic (so far).  Scouting: The adult moth is about ⅜ inch long, grayish-tan and has a cigar-shaped appearance when at rest. Moths move into fields during early bloom. It deposits its eggs on the face of the flower. Damage is caused by the larvae feeding on seeds and tunneling in head. Walk at W pattern in field and count moths on 20 plants at 5 sampling sites and calculate an average number of moths per 5 plants. Since female moths lay eggs on the face of sunflower heads, insecticide should be applied during early flowering (R5.1 - R5.3). 2020 Sunflower Moth Threshold Trap threshold: 28 moths per trap per week Field scouting threshold: 1-2 moths per 5 plants.  For more information, click here. 
Upcoming events
August 20, 2020
NSA High Plains Committee Meeting
Goodland, KS
January 13-14, 2021
NSA Research Forum
Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND
USDA released its planted acres report last week. Area planted to sunflower in 2020 totals 1.54 million acres, up 14 percent from 2019. Harvested area is expected to increase 18 percent from last year to 1.47 million acres. Compared with last year, growers in six of the eight major sunflower-producing states increased sunflower acreage this year. The state with the largest increase from last year is North Dakota, where planted area increased 85,000 acres compared with last year. South Dakota is also showing a large increase compared with last year, with planted area up 82,000 acres from the previous year. Planted area of oil type varieties, at 1.37 million acres, is up 15 percent from 2019, and harvested area is expected to increase 18 percent from last year to 1.32 million acres. Planted acreage of non-oil varieties, estimated at 170,500 is up 11 percent from last year. Harvested area is expected to increase 24 percent from last year to 158,000 acres. USDA slashed its estimate for 2020 corn acres from a March outlook for 97 million acres to 92 million, with the trade’s expectation of 95.14 million. Soybean acres, meanwhile, jumped to about 83.8 million, up from 76.1 million a year earlier but not far from the originally forecast 83.5 million and trade expectations for 83.5 million. With the release of the USDA report, the key to oilseed prices going forward will be U.S. summer weather and demand news.
Weekly Prices Recorded on Monday, July 6, 2020 ($/CWT)
  Deliver Last Year Last Week This Week Change 2020 NEW Crop
Chicago Oil Nearby 27.86 27.62 28.42 +.80 29.23
West Fargo, ND NuSun 17.60 20.00 20.05 +.05 16.80
West Fargo, ND High Oleic 17.90 20.10 20.35 +.25 17.00
Enderlin, ND NuSun 17.50 19.95 19.95 NC 16.80
Enderlin, ND High Oleic 17.80 20.25 20.25 NC 17.00
Goodland, KS NuSun 16.50 18.45 18.45 NC 16.80
Goodland, KS High Oleic 17.60 19.20 19.20 NC 17.80
Prices recorded here are believed to be reliable at the time of posting. All prices are subject to change. Contact these facilities for complete market details.
U.S. CRUDE OIL VALUES recorded on Monday, July 6, 2020
(dollars per 100 lb. internal U.S. location)
  Last Year Last Week This Week Change
Soybean Oil 27.49 26.12 27.19 +1.07
Cotton Oil (psby) 36.86 42.62 43.54 +.92
Corn Oil 29.00 61.00 63.00 +2.00
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