Old and new crop sunflower prices were unchanged this week. In most areas the crop continues to develop ahead of the five-year average pace. In states reporting crop conditions, the crop is being rated at 76 to 89 percent good to excellent condition. There were several developments in trade news this week. USDA announced a plan to direct $12 billion in payments to farmers hit by tariffs, along with mass food purchases and programs to promote US farm goods to new markets. This is envisioned as a "one-time program," according to USDA and will give President Trump and other administration officials some time to complete trade negotiations with other countries. Some in the market viewed the announcement as a clear signal that President Trump is determined to stick with tariffs as his weapon of choice in the trade war. Traders were happy to hear President Trump's announcement that the US and European Union have agreed to work toward zero tariffs, barriers and subsidies. This gave the market a symbolic boost and to some degree tamped down market tension. Traders welcomed the de-escalation in the US/EU trade dispute but did not expect changes in oilseed trade. The EU is already purchasing more soybeans from the US since the June price decline and there are no EU import restrictions on US soybeans which can be removed that could lead to enhanced trade.