Both dryland and irrigated oil and confection type sunflowers are important crops in Colorado, with 73,500 acres of sunflower planted there in 2015. In 2016, hybrid sunflower performance will be evaluated at two irrigated trials and two dryland trials. Irrigated trial plots are two row plots at a length of 30 feet, and dryland plots are four rows wide by 30 feet long. Hybrids will be evaluated for stand establishment, lodging, yield, test weight, seed moisture, oil percentage for oil types, and seed size for confection types. Completed entry forms are due on April 15, 2016 and payment is due by May 4, 2016. The 2016 trial results will be available after harvest at so seed companies can easily access and distribute results in a timely fashion. Select sunflower trial results will be published in an early 2017 issue of the High Plains Journal as well as in our annual Sunflower Technical Report. For more information, contact Jerry Johnson at (970) 491-1454, or Sally Sauer at (970) 491-1914.